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  • Writer's pictureJessica Svenningson

MY 2020

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

I've been thinking about what I've done with my year lately...2 weeks to NYE, Christmas around the corner, and 9 months of what feels like total inactivity.

But I know haven't been inactive. Yes, I've been stuck indoors since March, and I don't have anything showable to say, "Hey look what I did!" because everything I did was internal.

Back in March, when the world locked its hatches and fell into silence, I sat there asking myself, "I am about to have TOO much time on my hands. Time most people rarely gain uninterrupted access to. So what is the BEST use of MY time?"

The answer was obvious - myself.

I turned 29 in the 3rd week of lockdown. 29 is a weird year for those of you who haven't done it yet. Between the pressure of "Oh shit, I'm only 1 year away from ppl expecting me to have my shit together," and our bodies going through some very REAL changes, you do a lot of re-evaluating what's most important in life, what from your 20s you'll carry into your 30s, and what you're going to leave behind. I have had TOO much time to think over all this - making 29 longest F%^*ING year of my life!

And with all that time I've managed to:

  • address and overcome a collection of traumas gathered throughout my 20s 🩹

  • got closer to identifying and healing Generalized Depression 🥰 (Covid really tested that)

  • alleviate pressure off my inner need to people-please, exhausting my own boundaries and limitations

  • identify where I'm lacking professional skills/knowledge/experience and fill in those holes

  • get into restorative yoga 🧘‍♀️to heal my body after 12 years of damage as a dancer 💃

  • increase my understanding and application of personal financial success 💰

  • discovered a whole new vision for my future 👀

  • improve my understanding and practice of sexual health and well being 💥

  • got real with myself and sorted out who I am, what I'm about, what I want, what I stand for, what's most important to me, where my boundaries and limits are, and where I'm going in life.

I have nothing right NOW to show for any of this, but by this time next year come ask me again, and I'll show you what I've made of it. 😉


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